Indian Sweets

  • Seviyan

    Shahi Seviyan (Nawabi Seviyan)


    Seviyan and its variations, hold a special reference. Infact there is a story behind it. It is believed that during Eid celebrations, emperor Shah Jahan ordered a special sunset coloured varq (edible coating) to go along with their offering of Seviyan. It was a tradition that continnued tilt e time of emperor Bahadr Shah Zafar who is said to have hand rolled his own Seviyan from soft wheat dough during the fasting days. Since then this dish has travelled around the world.

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  • Khaman Dhokla


    A traditional western India dish. Dynamic in nature as it can be served and enjoyed at any time of the day! Khaman Dhokla is a steamed snack made with gram flour (besan) and spices. Topped with flavourful of mustard, green chilies, sesame seeds, hing and curry leaves. Making the dish…

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